Next Steps


Once our moms get jobs and start saving up a little money they have an opportunity many never dreamed they would have. The opportunity to purchase a plot of land where a house will be built for them in the future. They make monthly payments of $100 on the property. The goal is for these women to grow strong enough physically, spiritually and emotionally to become the heads of their households, providing for their families through the provision of the Lord and their own labors. Once they are ready to leave the program at Casa Esperanza a house is built for them by Real Life Ministries. RLM is an Evangelical Christian Mission dedicated to spreading the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and equipping young people and adults for missionary responsibility and leadership in local churches. They are a group that hosts short term missions groups who come to Baja California to build houses for local families.


We believe that God has a time for everything and encourage the women to spend time in prayer so they are able to discern God's timing for them to move out on their own. Often the plots of land are purchased when there are no utilities in the area. Over time, water and electricity have made their way to some of these properties. By trusting in God's timing, these families will be able to move into homes with amenities we often take for granted like running water and electric power.



For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

Ephesians 5:8

© Copyright 2025 Gabriela Alonso. All Rights Reserved.

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